Is it possible to receive a msg on a certain topic by calling a service?
Hi all, I'm working with gazebo, where I created an indoor environment and a mobile robot. The robot is equipped with an RGB-D camera and a logical_camera. Now, I would like to write a node that, given...
View ArticleNew msg for arduino
HI everybody, I'm studying ROS, and I have a problem. I want to add my message to Arduino sketch, I successfully compiled the Arduino sketch in catkin workspace, but when I tried to add my meessage...
View Articlemsg error catkin_make
i try to make custom messages in my workspace. i follow the tutorial, but when i'm catkin_make workspace, i get erorr like this and i try to catkin_make install and get same error. what should i do??...
View ArticleROS msg including image and related variables related to that image
I need to create a publisher which can publish an image along with a few strings, integers and arrays containing different information about the image (like number of objects, bounding boxes, name of...
View ArticleHow can i generate ROS2 .idl files ?
I am not clear with my application. Maybe I am totally wrong. Is it possible to create .idl files from the ROS2 talker-listener demo ? They are using the standard message type as string. When I run...
View ArticleIs the .msg in memory format the same for ROS1 and ROS2?
If I defined some some type FOO, with members X and Y, will the in memory structure generated from .msg "rosidl" be the same as the the in memory structure generated from the rosidl_dds generated .idl?...
View ArticleDefine a custom message type for .msg files
Hey so my problem is that I need a custom format for msgs which I have no idea how to do with ROS. The problem is that I have a really complex dynamic format and I would basically need a serialize()...
View ArticleHow to share ros msg type between service & client
Hi Can I share ros msg type (geometry_msgs/Point) between service & client? thanks
View ArticleSetting project name "debug_msgs" occurs error while "mydebug_msgs" is ok
when I build my msg project whose name is "debug_msgs" with ros2 bouncy, I get error as follow: command: colcon build output: Starting >>> debug_msgs --- stderr: debug_msgs CMake Error at...
View Articleadding std_msgs Int16 and int ?
i made a simple publisher which publish a Int16. the problem is in the subscriber i try to receive the int16 and add a constant number to it for example 2 the publisher code: #!/usr/bin/env python #...
View ArticleHow to change the message type of a topic ?
I am facing this error when I try to launch my pose3D.launch node :> [ERROR] [1537274177.574505613]: Client> [/pose3D] wants topic /odo to have> datatype/md5sum>...
View ArticleChange message type
When i run the following command line: rostopic info /vehicle/odometry I get this response. I would like to change the type of the msg, from motion_common_msg/Odometry to interval_map/odometry, which I...
View ArticleHow to get the message text back to the main function
void MyFunc(const std_msgs::String::ConstPtr& msg) { //code } .... ros::Subscriber sub = n.subscribe("shatter", 1000, chatterCallback); standard subscription and reading data from the theme. But I...
View ArticleSave specific data from a rosbag into an C++ array variable.
Hello, Currently I am working on a project and we need to extract msgs from a topic inside a rosbag file. Our first idea was to save all the msgs of the topic into a .txt and after that process that...
View ArticleHow do I implement a Low Pass filter to reduce the noise coming from a topic...
I was able to record the [WrenchStamped]( data from the topic to a .bag file, export that data to a .csv file, and finally wrote...
View ArticleHow to force std::vector type for fixed-length arrays in msg?
Hi, According to this page []( fixed-length arrays in msg files can be interpreted as `boost::array` or `std::vector`. Whenever I tried to apply any...
View Articlecatkin_make issue updating .srv and .cpp file simultaneously
Think of a situation where rosnode (written in c++) is using messages generated by a .srv file. You want to add a field to the .srv file and use it in the rosnode. If you make these changes...
View ArticleCreating msg messages
Can you please instructions with creating your package from scratch, or rather the description of what you need to specify in CMakeList.txt and package.xml. I understood how to create my overlay and...
View Article[ROS2] msg headers
Hi, In ROS, I could import other messages using headers. Header header int32 cout int32 nch int32 lenght This way I could include std_msg's **stamp** and **frame_id**. Other wise, I have to add them...
View Articlereplay of the finished message through foreach
I have a msg message containing 45 variables, and I’m actually able to fill in the message variables through a loop or should I write each variable manually? I use ros2, I write on C++, assembly...
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