Ros subscriber - Passing msg data to the callback
I have a custom msg data file containing the data field names that I wish to use for a project. This data is published in a topic, that is written in Python. What I am trying to do is create a C++...
View Articlecannot include custom .msg files in python code
I have created my own msg files and would now like to use them in python. One line trips me up over and over. from my_package.msg import * I get an error like this: > ImportError: No module...
View ArticleNo module named control_msgs.msg
hello professors, when I try to use roslaunch command to run the robot, I found some problems that I can't solve it. The error shows that as followed : Traceback (most recent call last): File...
View Articlesensor_msgs/JointState in cpp
When I try set sensor_msgs/JointState and publish it ros::Publisher joint_msg_pub = node.advertise("leg_joints_states", 1); sensor_msgs::JointState joint_msg;[0] = "coxa_joint_r1";...
View ArticleHow to find the number of Markers in a Marker Array?
Hi Everyone, I'm trying to write a simple program that extracts the heights from all the markers in a MarkerArray message. However, I am having a lot of trouble doing this. This is how I get the...
View Articledepends on message does not work for my node
Hello, I have some nodes that uses custom messages that I have in my workspace. In the package.xml I have declared it as depends (build and run), but if I clean the workspace when I use catkin_make to...
View ArticleCustom msg: strange error during building
Hi, I really don t understand what is wrong in my program. I cannot get a custom msg working, I think it depends on the dependecies with the other packages. Here is my bone program: a simple publisher...
View ArticleModify msg file
HI , I try to modify an msg file ( add new field) : this my code float64[3] hand_direction float64[3] hand_normal float64[3] hand_translation /: this is the new field float64[3] hand_palm_pos float64...
View Articlecannot declare variable to be of abstract type
Hi , I am trying to use the following code , and I am getting the error : LED2_pub:7: error: cannot declare variable ‘easyvr_msg’ to be of abstract type ‘rosserial_arduino::easyvr’...
View Articlecatkin use msg error: no matching function for call to...
Hi, I want to use a msg defined in a rosbuild package in catkin. I include the .h file of this msg from the rosbuild package directly, and I can create the object successfully. i.e....
View ArticleBinary data representation in messages
Is there a documentation on how the information transferred in ros messages is stored in the message's binary data (given that I have the describing msg file) ? E. g. if I would want to create my own...
View ArticleArduino IDE does not find msg header
I'm trying to learn rosserial_arduino. I've worked through the tutorials and am now going back and walking through them with my own code. My initial test code will use rosserial_arduino to turn 8 LEDs...
View ArticleExporting Python Module With Same Name as Package, with srv/msg
**EDIT**: MWE can be found [here]( Per [[1]]( and...
View ArticleImportError package.msg
Hi I have created a package(pwm), that contains a custom message(signal.msg). It seem to be compiled correctly. Because I can ubuntu@arm:~/test/sandbox/pwm$ rosmsg show signal [pwm/signal]: uint8 freq...
View Articlecustom message generation causes problems when compiling my code
Hello guys, I have tried to find if someone has the same problem in the forum but it does not seem that way. Basically I want to create a custom ros message to publish something from my own package. So...
View ArticleError using rosmsg in "Creating msg and srv" Tutorial
Hi, I'm trying to follow the beginner tutorials, using ROS Indigo on ubuntu 14.04 LTS in VirtualBox. I'm currently on the tutorial for Creating a ROS msg and srv,...
View ArticleROS Arduino message type restrictions?
I'm getting a 'mismatched protocol' error when publishing a message (UInt8) from an Arduino to ROS: **Mismatched protocol version in packet: lost sync or rosserial_python is from different ros release...
View ArticleImportError: No module named msg
when I function a program,I got this errot Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/cc/catkin_ws/src/rbx1/rbx1_nav/nodes/", line 28, in from move_base_msgs.msg import...
View Articleprinting kinect point cloud data alone gives garbage
I have subscribed to /camera/depth/points to get the PointCloud2 data from kinect. When I try to print the PointCloud2 data alone leaving out the headers, height and width etc i get a pool of garbage...
View ArticleArray as response in service
I'm trying to create a service that returns an array of a custom msg. However, when I call this using **roservice call /myservice [input params...]** I get the following error: ERROR: service...
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