Hi everyone,
my question has two parts:
first part :
when I run the code from the terminal is Ok after this command:
catkin_ws$ source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
but it needs to run this command every close and open again, how to solve this issue??
second part:
when I run the code from the spyder:
the output:
ImportError: No module named xxxxxxx.msg
how to solve this issue??
I read from the previous questions and answers to other people, solving this problem by
gedit ~/.bashrc
export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=/home/redhwan/catkin_ws/:$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash & source ~/.bashrc
not solve my issue
information system:
ubuntu 14.01
python 2.7
spyder 2.2.5
CUDA 0.9
path msg:
please help me
thank you in advance